Tuesday, July 31, 2012

CMA At Church

August 5th the Christian Motorcycle Association  will be having a drive in a Columbus Baptist. Well, guess who is lucky enough to have to sing in front of a ton of big burly leather wearing men. lol. Me.. Pray for me. I found a song that keeps coming to my mind, so i decided to trust to God and let him pick the song. In the Light by DC Talk. I have an awesome couple at church who are going to sing and play with me, Including my hubby, if i can get him to play. I will have a hard time convincing him. He is so talented but he has a hard time being in front of people. Especially church family. Pray for him to use his God given ability.  I hope that all will go well. I have a hard time getting in front of people too, surprisingly. I am going to try to just close my eyes. lol.  Here is a link for you all. Enjoy DC Talk who were so ahead of their time.

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