He is getting so big. Its crazy. Not crawling yet. Rolling tho. He has his bottom teeth and the fang teeth are growing in next. lol. He weighs close to 21 lbs!!! but he is tall too! Sry i havent blogged in so long. I have been busy with work! and We just got our own place! its crazy to see how much stuff you have and then realize you need more. lol. We are almost settled in. Well guys i better go. Hope to talk to you all soon!
Matthew is so cute. He's growing up so fast. They sure don't stay babies very long. Thanks for the pics. Congrats on your new place. Much love & happiness to all. Luv ya!
He is so handsome! I love the feet picture..Kiss him for me.
Ahh!!! He is so cute and growing like a little weed. What a cutie and so glad you posted. I miss hearing what's happening out there with you all!!
Thanks for the updates! Matthew is SO cute! And SPECIAL! Aunt Cheryl said she can't wait to see and hug him!(me too,again) And paying you all a visit upon her retirement is top of our list!!!
Love to all, Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Jimm
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