So yesterday was my first day back to work. It was ok, pretty long that's for sure. I really didnt want to go back. I think that the reason i didnt want to go back was because i dont want to leave Matthew. I think that i would do better if i had a first shift job. 3-11 is really going to kill me with having to get up with him at night and being up early. But i think that i will get used to it in time. Kyle will be having Matthew some nights, so that will help. Anywaz, I really missed Matthew yesterday and it made for a long long day. But I eased some of my pain by letting the some of the best babysitters in the world watch him, Grandma and Grandpa Killinger. Annette said that they had a good time. Here are some pics that she took.
Little Matthew is really growing & changing looks!! I'm sure you had a hard time going back to work. Hope it goes better for you :o)
Matthew is such a cutie. Can't believe he's almost 2 months already. Looks like he's enjoying bathtime. Don't let Grampa & Gramma spoil him too much. (Guess that's what they're supposed to do). ha!
I know it's hard, isn't it? I'm sure you have lots of loving people to help care for him though & that is always a comfort. He is so sweet!!! :)
PS: I like your background music! :)
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