So the other day we went to the doctorfor Matthew's 2 month check up. That morning he was smiling and cooing. He was awake the whole way to the doctors. He didnt even cry at all. So when we got back to the room we had to strip him down to his diaper. I didnt take his socks off cuz it was COLD in there. He got weighed (he was fasinated by the scale) and measured. He weighed 14 lbs and was 25 in long. The nurse said that he is the size of a 3 month old. Then the doctor came in and gave him his check up. She said that he was doing great and that he looked great. Kyle and I asked her about giving him ceral/oatmeal since he eats about 6 ounces every hour. She said to wait for a little while, but that we should be able to give him some when he is about 3 1/2 months old. He also had to get some shots and a oral medicine. He did great with the oral medicine. he actually seemed to like it. Then the nurse gave him one shot in his leg and he waited for a sec, then he cried. The nurse then gave him the other one in his other leg. He stopped crying for a little and then started again. It was like he forgot about the first one. Lol. Well since it has been a couple of days, we have seen the effects of the shots. On Saturday he had a fever and was really fussy. But he is doing better now. I will keep you all updated
Matthew is such a cutie. Those shots are nasty. Too bad they have to get them. Keep the pics coming.
He is changing looks all the time!
He is really growing!! His little red socks are so cute. :)
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