Hey Everyone
So things have been going pretty well lately. We are trying to get Matthew into a routine. He is a pretty good sleeper. He gets up maybe 2-3 times a night and is awake a lot of the day. He is gettting to where he will smile at you if you do something funny. He is also majorly sucking on his fists but he wont take a pacifier. Lol. But he is so sweet. We try to give him a bath every night around 8 30 and give him a bottle to make him sleepy. I thought you all might like to see some bath time pictures. He is really a cutie. He loves his baths. He kicks his feet, smiles, and coos. He is wearing a dinosaur robe, which he is adorable in. Keep posted for more soon!
Ahh!! He's so cute!!
His Mamaw Nettie loves him so much!
He is getting so big!!! (sniff, sniff!) I need to see him soon! :) He looks so snuggly after his bath.
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